Student Project Disclaimer
This website has been developed by students from the University of South Australia as part of the Civil Engineering Design Project course. This website and any associated works relating to it is for the purposes of academic study only and does not represent the views or opinions of the end client, Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
A 5.7km extension of the dual track line from Noarlunga Centre Railway Station to the Seaford District Line. Including a 1.2km elevated rail bridge (dual ended, incrementally launched concrete box structure) over the Onkaparinga Valley, bus interchange, stations and road bridges.
Construction Methodology-
The Seaford Road Bridge was constructed in two stages, with the bridge constructed in two halves (slab design/pavement design), for efficient traffic conditions.
Collaborative Design-
The team defined engineering practices which were followed by the team. By getting the basic right ensured that the project ran successfully without deterring budget and quality.
Value for Money-
Majority of the corridor included cuts to depths of 8-10 meters therefore effective corrosion control measures were investigated to save future works/repair costs.
There were several discoveries of Aboriginal Burials within the site therefore the aboriginal community was engaged and with constant communication work was conducted.