Student Project Disclaimer
This website has been developed by students from the University of South Australia as part of the Civil Engineering Design Project course. This website and any associated works relating to it is for the purposes of academic study only and does not represent the views or opinions of the end client, Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).
Runoff profiles
Storm water runoff analysis and modelling
Culvert design
Storm water drainage design
Reticulated water supply design
Sewerage design
Greywater use
Irrigation systems design
Wastewater treatment
E8 Consulting's water management and services design capabilities are highly regarded in the engineering industry particularly within the areas of stormwater management and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). In the water management and services sectors, efficiency plays a major role. It's for this reason that our team makes sure to stay up to date with the latest technological advancements in the industry to ensure you know all of your options.
E8 Consulting’s water and services team is made up of an experienced group of engineers, drafters and technical specialists, who work across a range of sectors to deliver an exciting range of projects.